[HELP] Server Rules - Others Languages

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[HELP] Server Rules - Others Languages

Postby ko0 » Sun Apr 30, 2017 9:56 pm


I have noticed that many players in-game (On forums as well) don't know the server rules or don't know English, so, I will translate the server rules to Spanish. If you know any other language and you can make a good and understandable translation, What are you waiting for do it? We can help to many players when doing that. Keep up the good work!

Server Rules (English):
*Please abide by these rules while playing on the server. Violation of any of these rules can lead to a kick/ban.

    Respect all players and admins.
    Do not spam/flood the chat, or advertise other servers.
    Hacking/Cheating will get you banned.
    LEO players must not kill innocent civilians.
    Team attack/killing is not allowed.
    Spawn Killing is not allowed.
    Random killing OR DMing is NOT allowed. However, wanted players can random attack or DM among themselves.
    LEOs cannot work with or assist criminals in any manner.
    Yellow players are to be ticketed by LEO.
    Do not EMP vehicles if there are no wanted players inside.
    Do not quit or pause to avoid anything.
    Farming score/xp/money is unacceptable, and may get you banned.
    Do not randomly attack/kill LEOs. Cop hunt is punishable.
    You cannot defend your gangmates except during gangwars in the zones.
    Do not G-Abuse without a driver.
    Do not arrest other players in a car as a passenger.
    Bugs should be reported, not exploited.
    Do not report for other players in-game. Each player reports for himself.
    VPNs/Proxies aren't allowed.
    Admins can enforce rules as they see fit.

Reglas del Servidor (Español/Spanish):
*Por favor cumple con estas reglas mientras juegas en el servidor. La violación de cualquiera de estas reglas puede significar la expulsión del servidor.

    Respeta a todos los jugadores.
    No hagas spam/flood, tampoco puedes publicar otros servidores.
    No uses Hacks/Trucos ilegales, serás baneado/expulsado por esto.
    Policías, CIAs, FBIs y Armys no deben matar inocentes (Jugadores de color blanco).
    No hagas equipos para atacar o matar.
    Matar a un jugador recién aparecido no está permitido.
    Matar sin razón NO ESTÁ PERMITIDO. Sin embargo, los criminales pueden atacar a otros criminales sin razón.
    Policías, CIAs, FBIs y Armys no pueden hacer equipos con criminales o asistirles (Jugadores de color rojo, naranja y amarillo).
    Jugadores amarillos deben recibir un ticket por los policías, FBIs, CIAs y Armys (/tk <Jugador/ID>).
    No uses EMP en vehículos con jugadores de color blanco (Inocentes).
    No quites o pauses el juego para evadir.
    No consigas score/xp/dinero ilegalmente, puedes ser baneado por esto.
    No ataques/mates sin razón a los Policías, FBIs, CIAs o Armys.
    No puedes defender a tus compañeros de pandilla (Gang) excepto en las guerras de pandillas (Gang Wars).
    No mates subiendote en un vehículo sin conductor (G-Abuse).
    No arrestes subiendote en los vehículos como pasagero (G-Abuse).
    Los BUGs/Errores del juego, deben ser reportados, no explotados o abusados.
    No uses VPNs/Proxies (Ocultar tu IP verdadera).
    Los administradores pueden hacer cumplir las reglas como mejor les parezca.

-If you can make a good and understandable translation in any other language, post it below!

*Soon I will translate this useful post.

~Regards; ko.

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Re: [HELP] Server Rules - Others Languages

Postby Vortex » Sun Apr 30, 2017 11:51 pm

Thanks A lot! Stickied

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